Sunday, September 14, 2014

Indian Pride

This week we had our first Indian Pride assembly at school.  We will be having an Indian Pride assembly every month to talk about the new character trait for the month and to showcase the many talents of our students and staff.  We started this in an effort to boost our school pride as well as to recognize our outstanding students.  Our character trait this month is respect.  Ms.  Hill will be discussing respect in the classrooms and helping our students understand what that looks like in their lives.  For each trait, we have a poster that is in the hallway and in the teachers' classrooms to help the students remember.  This month's character is Respect Reggie, pictured to the side with a list of ways he shows his Indian Pride.  We have drawings at the assemblies to reward students for earning Character cards or as we call them "Zing Cards".  All of the staff have these cards to give to students when they do something that demonstrates great character.  We were blessed to have many of the local businesses donate money and gift cards to help us with the prizes. Overall, it went very well, and the kids had a great time!  Thanks to all of you involved  for helping us make it happen!

John and Lainey
Speaking of Indian Pride, students in Mrs. Wiley's and Mrs. Rutan's fourth grade classes have been reading and discussing the history of Medicine Lodge.  They were excited to get to see a newly acquired piece of our local history.  Mr. John Nixon with the help of his granddaughter, Lainey Coley, presented an original copy of the "Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty".  Mr. Nixon described how he had come in possession of the document, answered student questions, and helped compare the reading information to the actual treaty.  The Fourth graders wish to thank Mr. Nixon for sharing this document and his time.

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