Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Veteran's Day Celebration 2014

Medicine Lodge has always made an effort to recognize the veterans in the community with a district-wide day dedicated to teaching the students about service and sacrifice.  Although the ceremony is not as big as it once was, it is still a great day to remember those veterans that have protected freedom that we enjoy in this country today.

At the grade school, each grade has a branch of the military that they study.  During their study, the make decorations representative of that branch and post them in the hallway.  Our fourth grade students make invitations to all of the local veterans to come and eat with us at the school.  When they come, they can see all of the decorations that the staff and students made the previous week.  Here is a folder displaying some pictures of the decorations this year: Veteran's Day 2014 Decorations

We scheduled our veteran's lunch at 11:00 this year.  We changed this up in order to allow the veterans to eat together at one time, instead of spreading them out over the entire lunch period.  If the veteran had a student that they wanted to eat with, we pulled the students out of class to eat at that time.  This year, we served around 60 veterans a great lunch of chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, and peach cobbler.  Our stuco kids served them and kept them going with tea and water.  Overall, I was very pleased with the change of the time and the way the lunch went.

After lunch, we got the students loaded up to go to the high school for our assembly.  Mr. Moore, our board president led the ceremony and gave a good message about recognizing our World War 2 veterans.  Then the grade school students sang some songs and read a poem.  Two high school students read essays that they had written about the importance of Veteran's Day.  We finished up with the band playing a medley of all of the branches songs.  When each song was played the veterans stood for their branches part.

Overall, it was a great day for our students.  I hope that the veterans in this community felt enjoyed the day!  We are so thankful for them!

Here are some other pictures from the day:

 Veteran's Day Lunch and Ceremony 2014

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