Friday, August 22, 2014

The first week is in the books!

To start off the school year, I thought it would be good to give you a picture of what the first week looked like at school from my perspective.

The beginning of school is always exciting for me.  I love watching the kids come in the first morning.  It is amazing how much the kids grow up over the summer.  This year was no different! 
The day got off to a good start with the teachers welcoming the students in and getting them into the routine that they will follow for the next 158 school days.  Normally, we start the day with an all-school assembly where we welcome everyone and go over a few school rules.  We decided to do things a little different this year and save the assembly for the end of the day.  The morning moved along quickly and we were ready for lunch.  Lunch in a grade school is always a challenge as we have 250 kids to serve in about 75 minutes.  We had a couple of changes to contend with this year with a new computerized lunch system that did not work quite right and a slightly different schedule for the cooks and lunchroom staff to get accustomed to.  It was a struggle at times, but we made it through!  After lunch, Ms. Hill and I visited the rest of the classrooms and presented our character ed cards that some of the teachers are referring to as "zing" cards, since our kids "put the zing in amazing!"  To end the day, we had a camping themed assembly with a visit from Ranger Rick, my "brother," the camp ranger, from Alaska.  Rick talked to the students about five rules:
  1. Be kind to others.
  2. Follow directions the first time.
  3. Always do your best.
  4. Learn something new every day.
  5. Have fun!
To finish up the assembly, Ms. Hill and her crew served s'mores to the kids for an after school snack.  It was a fun first day!

We finished up the week with a great day on Friday.  Everyone settled into the routine, and we worked out some of the kinks that came up the day before.  Lunch went very well, as this year's group seems to be figuring it out quickly!  Plus the computer entry worked very well and sped up the process.

Overall, it looks like it is going to be a very good year at MLGS.  I hope the kids feel the same way!

Mr. Cunningham

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